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Re: Emulating 'locate'

Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Oct 4,  7:18pm, Lloyd Zusman wrote:
> }
> } Therefore, prior to the function definition, I now do this:
> } 
> }   { unalias xlocate; unfunction xlocate } 2>/dev/null
> } 
> } But besides that, would another way to prevent this problem be to always
> } define functions with "function foo" instead of "foo()"?
> Yes, the latter will work.  Note, however, that in ksh the meanings of
> "foo() {...}" and "function foo {...}" are not quite equivalent, and
> the zsh/ksh/bash developers have been discussing standardization of
> some of those kinds of details, so there's a very small chance that in
> the future you won't always be able to use them interchangeably.

Well, then I'll just play it safe and stick with unalias/unfunction
before my function definitions.


 Lloyd Zusman

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