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Re: Display a function

> but I don't know how to use
> functionname and then "expand-last-word"

expand-last-word() {
  setopt localoptions extendedglob

  local skip="${(M)LBUFFER%%[   \;\|\{\}]##}"
  local word="${(M)${LBUFFER%${skip}}%%[^   \;\|\{\}]##}" exp

  if (( $+aliases[$word] )); then
  elif (( $+functions[$word] )); then
  elif (( $+commands[$word] )); then

  [[ -n "$exp" ]] && LBUFFER="${LBUFFER%${word}${skip}}${exp}${skip}"

zle -N expand-last-word

bindkey "ESCn"        expand-last-word

And then just press ALT-n after typing the functionname.

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 Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day.
 Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

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