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Re: 4.0.9

DervishD (raul@xxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote on 21 December 2003 18:50:
 > * Carlos Carvalho <carlos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> dixit:
 >> ./Y01completion.ztst: starting.
 >> comptestinit:zpty:19: can't open pseudo terminal: bad file descriptor
 >> comptestinit:zpty:21: no such pty command: zsh
 >    I've notified an almost-a-bug related to that issue. Maybe you're
 >running a Linux box that has support for ptmx and doesn't have
 >/dev/pty?? nodes. If that is true, then zsh pty subsystem won't work
 >for you. You will need to create the /dev/pty?? nodes, since zsh
 >thinks that Linux doesn't support ptmx. Not a problem, really.

On the box where the test fails:

hoggar% ls /dev/pty*
/dev/ptyp0  /dev/ptyp3  /dev/ptyp6  /dev/ptyp9  /dev/ptypc  /dev/ptypf
/dev/ptyp1  /dev/ptyp4  /dev/ptyp7  /dev/ptypa  /dev/ptypd
/dev/ptyp2  /dev/ptyp5  /dev/ptyp8  /dev/ptypb  /dev/ptype

It also has /dev/ptmx. The box where the tests pass uses devfs; it has
all the pty's from a0 to zf, they're symlinks to /dev/pty/m*, and no ptmx.

Is this a problem with the configuration?

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