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extracting fields

I'm trying to extract stuff from a string in a similiar manner to cut(1)
and getting rather unstuck.  I'm sure that there's a simpler answer, but
I can't seem to find it.

I have the output of psql in an array:

    pg_tables=( "${(f)$( psql -At -c '\d' )}" )

Which gives an array of entries like these:

    % echo $pg_tables[0]

Now I'm interested in the table name which is the 2nd field.  But I
can't work out how.  I've been playing with things like this:

    % echo ${(@s:|:)pg_tables[2]}

But I can't figure out how to split the array and then subscript the
second word of that newly split array.  Any ideas on how I would do


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