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Re: How do I complete from words in a file?

On Jan 4, 11:07pm, Eric Smith wrote:
} For example I have keys in the form
} "_what_ever_" in certain files and want to type
} on the command line:
} _wh<tab>

*Where* on the command line?  As the command name?  As an argument of a
particular command?  And, are you using compctl or compsys (compinit)?

} and this should give me all the words commencing 
} with `_wh' in certain files.

I can tell you that you need to create a completion widget and have it
execute the command
	compadd ${(f)"$(<certain_filename)"}
but I don't imagine that helps you very much.  Unfortunately you haven't
provided enough details to formulate a more specific answer.

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