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Re: cd completion and CDABLE_VARS

> When I now hit ^xh I get the following:
> tags in context :completion::complete:cd::
>     local-directories named-directories      (_alternative _cd) 
>     users named-directories directory-stack  (_tilde _alternative _cd) 
>     users                                    (_users _tilde _alternative _cd)

Sounds like you need to read zshcompsys for some orientation.  (I don't
mean to claim that's necessarily as enlightening as you might wish.)

As I said before, the names on the left are the tags.  What I didn't say
was the names in parentheses are the functions implementing completion
for those tags.  This gives you a hint about what the tags are used for.

_alternative is a utility function and we should probably suppress it
from the list since it doesn't generate its own completions (I think
that's easy to do but I haven't looked at the code).

There's no precedence until you use tag-order as I described before.
The lines are simply to associate tags with different completers.

> I see, that the user names are used for the name expansion. I do not
> want that. How can I switch this off?

Instead of putting '*' in the last value in tag-order, just put
in named-directories, giving

zstyle ':completion:*:complete:(cd|pushd):*' tag-order \
  'local-directories path-directories directory-stack' 'named-directories'

This time I've added pushd explicitly.  Note that it is harmless to add
tags which the completer in question doesn't actually use.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx>                  Software Engineer
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