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Problem with 'predict-on'

Hi zsh-users,

I'm testing the ZLE widget "predict-on" with...

autoload -U predict-on; predict-on
zle -N predict-on
zle -N predict-off
bindkey '^X^Z' predict-on
bindkey '^Z'   predict-off
zstyle ':predict' verbose 1

This means that predict-on is active by default. But there are some
flaws with predict-on: first of all I can not backspace the first
character I typed in the command line. Then pasting text via
[Shift]-[Ins] doesn't turn off prediction (like it should[1]).

So I RTFMed and chose "toggle"[2]: "zstyle ':predict' toggle 1".
But when I write this in my .zshrc, predict-on is automatically "off"
(although "toggle"'s conditions for "toggling" aren't met: "when
editing a multi-line buffer or after moving into the middle of a line
and then deleting a character").

So my question is: how can I turn on "predict-on" by default and
circumvent its negative circumstances when pasting text (and maybe
others I haven't discovered yet)?


[1] "Editing a multiline buffer or pasting in a chunk of text; it's
unlikely prediction is wanted"  --  functions/predict-on

[2] used by predict-on [...] in the context ':predict'. If set to
[...] 'true', predictive typing is automatically toggled off in
situations where it is unlikely to be useful, such as when editing a
multi-line buffer or after moving into the middle of a line and then
deleting a character.

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