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Re: Wish for rprompt feature

On Mar 24,  9:25pm, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
} Subject: Re: Wish for rprompt feature
} * Bart Schaefer (2004-03-21 02:29 +0100)
} >   POSTDISPLAY="  ${(%)RPS1}"
} Looks interesting. But I cannot test your solution as thoroughly as it
} deserves because it doesn't recognize the Prompt sequences in my
} rprompt ($cyan, $reset_color[1]).

Ah.  Well, the short answer _should_ have been "change (%) to (%%) to
enable full prompt expansions" ... but it appears POSTDISPLAY does not
output the value verbatim, but rather prints it as if ${(V)POSTDISPLAY}
had been used.

So ...

} Could you modify your "zle-line-init/POSTDISPLAY" solution so the
} colours in my prompt are shown?

Apparently not.

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