On Mar 28, 2:00am, Aaron Davies wrote:
} Is there a way to get empty directories from a glob pattern?
There's some discusson of this in the archives from a few months ago.
It's not possible to tell if a directory is empty without actually
for files in it. So the best you can do is something like this:
isempty() {
reply=( $REPLY/*(DN) )
(( $#reply )) && unset reply || reply=( $REPLY )
print /path/to/emptydirectory(/e{isempty})
The (/) is important, otherwise you need to test [[ -d $REPLY ]] in the
isempty function (because as-is it matches files as well as empty
If you want to follow symlinks to empty directories you need:
print /path/to/emptydirectory(-/e{isempty})
It's much easier to get only NON-empty directories:
print /path/to/nonempty/*(DN[-1]:h)
In this case, though, symlinks are always followed because of appending
"/*" to the directory name, and there's not much to be done about it.