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Re: Completion of CLI parameters

On May 1,  3:14pm, zzapper wrote:
} Subject: Re: Completion of CLI parameters
} >#autoload
} ># Name this file expand-args-of and place it in a $fpath directory, and
} ># then add these commands to .zshrc:
} >#  zle -C expand-args-of complete-word _generic
} >#  zstyle ':completion:expand-args-of::::' completer expand-args-of
} >#  bindkey '^x^a' expand-args-of
} This one just beeps at me?!?

Is it possible that expand-args-of is not being autoloaded?

It's compinit that processes the #autoload directive, so you either have
to manually autoload it or re-run compinit or start a fresh zsh before it
will work.  I should have mentioned that.  You may also have to remove
your ~/.zcompdump file and let it be rebuilt.

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