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Re: how do I find my IP address

On most unix flavors, some varient of:

ifconfig -a | grep inet | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}'

should work.  'ifconfig' can live in various places, but usually it
is in /sbin/ifconfig or /usr/sbin/ifconfig (old unixen might have it
in /etc/ifconfig).

The 'grep inet' should give you all the ip addresses, but will also
have things like netmask.  The 'grep -v' will cut out the
localhost definition.  The 'awk '{print $2}' should give you just the
IP address, but it might be in a different field (try 3, 4, etc).

I'm sure there's a way to figure out a pure zsh way to do this, but I 
don't know it.  Also, I strongly suggest figuring this out once,
stashing it in a variable ($MY_IP or some such), and just using that 

If you're under windows, under cygwin, you're on your own, but I'd
start with 'ipconfig /all'.


On Sun, Jun 13, 2004 at 06:30:23PM -0700, William Scott wrote:
> Timothy:
> If you are running a computer with an ip address that changes 
> (dynamically allocated), this will work, although it is kind of ugly:
> define an alias such as:
> alias myip="curl -s http://www.showmyip.com/simple/ | awk '{print $1}'  
> "
> I would echo the output of myip into something at login rather than 
> grab it off the internet every time I hit the return key.
> If you have a static ip address, you should only have to figure this 
> out once.   On Mac OS X you can find this in the System Preferences 
> under file sharing or network settings (I am assuming this on the basis 
> of the Micro$oft email stamp at the bottom of your email.)
> This alias and a whole bunch of stuff that is useful for OS X zsh is 
> distributed by Gary Kerbaugh.  I have links to it and a few of my own 
> zsh functions here:  http://tinyurl.com/3373b
> Bill Scott
>   http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/fahrenheit_911/

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