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terminal resizing and prompt problem

I have a problem with my zsh prompt.  It's 2 lines long and looks like so:


The code looks like this:
PS1=$'%{\e[1;32m%}[%d]\n%{\e[1;34m%}[%T]%{\e[1;32m%}%%%{\e[0m%} '

It works just fine, until I try to resize my terminal.  For each character height I resize vertically, or each character width I resize horizontally, the top line of my prompt is repeated.  For example, if I resize my terminal to make it 6 lines taller, I end up with this:


This is terribly annoying, since it means I can't resize my terminal to see more output, since any additional visibility I would have gained is taken up by the additional lines of my prompt.  This happens in both xterm and rxvt.  Is this a bug?  Or is there an easy fix to this that I haven't found?



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