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Re: why won't this function work?

On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 10:48:43AM +0100, Peter Stephenson wrote:

> gj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I'm trying to convert a function I wrote in bash to zsh.  How can I get
> > this to work?
> selhist () { # The following ensures a consistent environment for the
> function.  emulate -L zsh
>      # $'-style quoting avoids using explicit special characters.  # (That
>      works in bash, too.) # Added `local' variable definitions for tidiness.
>      local TAB=$'\t'; (( $# < 1 )) && { echo "Usage: selhist [command]"
>      return 1 };
>      local -a cmd # Use zsh's hacky but useful split-into-lines syntax.  #
>      The (f) means `split input lines on newlines.' # This means we can avoid
>      messing with IFS.  (That should work, too.) # Note the padding elements
>      are unnecessary.  cmd=(${(f)"$(grep -w $1 $HISTFILE | sort | uniq | pr
>      -tn)"}) # The following version is necessary if you are using zsh's #
>      extended_history option, which puts extra information at # the start of
>      history lines.  (It's harmless in other cases # unless you are in the
>      habit of re-executing colon commands.) # cmd=(${(f)"$(sed -e
>      's/^:[^;]*;//' $HISTFILE | grep -w $1 | # sort | uniq | pr -tn)"})
>      # Slightly simplified output possible in zsh, which won't # split
>      variables on spaces unless sh_word_split is set.  # (It would be simpler
>      to use the pr -tn at this point, then # it doesn't have to be stripped
>      off later.) print -l $cmd | less -F
>      # Note the renumbering here.  echo -n "enter number of desired command
>      [1 - $(( ${#cmd[@]} - 1 ))]: " local answer read answer
>      # The eval works, but the following is a little more flexible: # it
>      loads the line into the line editor, so you can edit # further, or just
>      hit return.  (It's a little like using the # hist_verify option with
>      !-style history.) print -z "${cmd[$answer]#*$TAB}"

Wow, that is a cool option!

>      # Original version.
>      # eval "${cmd[$answer]#*$TAB}"
> }

This subroutine doesn't work when I try it on 4.0.7/sparc64 and 4.0.7/alpha.
It just hangs there like it's waiting for input, though it's not.


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