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Sourcing .zshrc from .zprofile causes problems

Hi list,
	When I put

if [[ -f ~/.zshrc ]]; then . ~/.zshrc ; fi

in my .zprofile, I get

.zshrc:unalias:181: no such hash table element: run-help

when launching a new Terminal window (this is under Mac OS 10.3.5 using zsh 4.2.0). Lines 181-183 of my .zshrc file are as follows:

unalias run-help
autoload run-help

run-help is properly unaliased though. The error message goes away when in don't source .zshrc in my .zprofile. However, at that point the following zstyle from my .zshrc file

zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}

doesn't work when I open a new Terminal window (I don't see colors when I tab). If I do 'exec zsh' in the new window, the zstyle does work.

Any ideas?  I'll happily post more from the dotfiles if that would help.


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