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Re: another Problem with ignore-line

On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Andy Spiegl wrote:

> But I can't find the culprit.  Only that it has to do with this line:
>  zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand_dots _complete _match _correct

Try removing "_expand_dots" from that, and see what happens.  The 
_expand_dots function dates from roughly v3.1.9 and isn't part of the 
regular distribution, so it hasn't been updated unless you've done so
yourself, and it may be doing something that isn't quite right anymore.

If it still happens after removing _expand_dots is removed, try using

condor:~/zshtest>mv a<\C-x?>

(ctrl-x question-mark) which invokes _complete_debug, and examine the temp 
file that gets dumped.

> Oh, wait it's enough to remove "completer" from it.  Strange!

No, not strange at all. The syntax is:

zstyle CONTEXT         STYLE     ARGUMENTS
       =============== ========= ====================================== 
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand_dots _complete _match _correct

If you remove "completer" you've changed the style name, and the whole 
thing gets ignored.

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