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On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 07:43:35PM -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> In neither case are previously-hashed directories searched again
> (except for relative paths like "." and "..") until after a
> "rehash" is done.

I see.  Is there a simple way to achieve the behavior you describe

I asked the same question on the gentoo-user mailing list, and one
person gave the following suggestion:

rehashComplete() {
    zle expand-or-complete;

zle -N rehash-complete rehashComplete
bindkey "\t" rehash-complete

That works (meaning, it makes the shell behave as I want), but I was
just hoping there was a simpler method, i.e. "setopt something".

Anyway, thanks for the helpful information!

Matt Garman
email at: http://raw-sewage.net/index.php?file=email

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