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compinit, $fpath, and recursive searching.

When I install zsh from source, if I set the $fpath to 

   fpath=( /usr/local/share/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION/functions )

it works right.

Now, these people who install zsh as a package tend to break the functions
into various sub directories, which is well and good, but when I try to 

autoload -U compinit ; compinit

it doesn't work.  Currently, this quandary is showing up in solaris 10 (I
was impressed that solaris 10 includes version 4.2.1). 

Compinstall claims that the $fpath is set correctly, and adds the autoload
stuff in, but it errors out with:

./.zshrc:95: compinit: function definition file not found

What are the appropriate setting(s) when you divide up the completion
functions into directories?

Thanks for any help;

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