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Re: Is this a bug for zsh 4.2.3?

On Jan 22,  8:53pm, Paul Lew wrote:
} Subject: Is this a bug for zsh 4.2.3?
} 	> cat .zshenv
} 	echo ok 1
} 	path=(/bin /usr/bin)
} 	[[ $HOME/.zshrc -nt .zshrc ]] || echo ok 2
} 	echo ok 3
} However, if I cd to a network mounted directory and then start the
} zsh, the zsh will ignore the rest of the .zshenv from the line with
} -nt comparison.

The network mounted part is a red herring; this occurs anytime one uses
[[ existingfile -nt nonexistentfile ]].

What's happening is that stat("nonexistentfile") fails, which causes
[[ ... ]] to return an error condition rather than a simple falsehood.

This is almost certainly a a bug, because [ ... ] (the test builtin,
that is) does not cause an error in this situation.  It's a pretty
serious bug, one that probably warrants a 4.2.4.  This was introduced
in the patch in zsh-workers/20412, which could probably be entirely
backed out because the Austin Group has concluded that the extensions to
"test" are OK after all.

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