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Re: Passing parameters completely untouched

On May 6,  2:27pm, zzapper wrote:
} Thnx that works fine with echo -E
} Funny the doc says that -E is default?!?
} -E     disable interpretation of backslash escapes (default)

Are you perhaps reading the doc for Cygwin's /bin/echo?  The Zsh doc entry
for the echo builtin looks like this:

echo [ -neE ] [ ARG ... ]
     Write each ARG on the standard output, with a space separating
     each one.  If the -n flag is not present, print a newline at the
     end.  echo recognizes the following escape sequences:

          bell character
    [...and so on for other escapes...]
          unicode character code in hexadecimal

     The -E flag, or the BSD_ECHO option, can be used to disable these
     escape sequences.  In the latter case, -e flag can be used to
     enable them.

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