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retrieving the results of last command?

Often I'm in the situation of using say:

% locate a-file

Then I want to use the pathname to copy the file. I Know of 3 somewhat
cumbersome ways to do this:

1. Copying and pasting with the mouse.

2. Using `locate a-file` (which is a bit more cumbersome to me than to
most because I swapped the keys to ` and ~).

3. Using $(comm).

Is there a "faster" way than `` to perform command expansion?

I tried to code a widget to do this, but I this is as far as I got:

    com="`fc -ln -1`"
zle -N insert-last-command-output
bindkey "^X^L" insert-last-command-output

#(^X^L was the first free key I could remember...)

but is fails with:
% locate ipython.el
% insert-last-command-output:1: command not found: locate ipython.el

Any hints?


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