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Re: lining up RPS1 and PS1

On Jun 6, 12:18pm, Miek Gieben wrote:
} Now I wanted to make it look like this:
} [some info]                  [some more]
} %
} (where RPS1="[some more]")
} [I could stretch PS1 and calculate the placement of '[some more]', but 
} I really like the features of RPS1, like automatic placement.]

The whole point of RPS1 is that it gets automatically hidden as command
input extends to the right into the space it occupies.  But with a two-
line prompt, your typing is never going to intersect with "[some more]".
So, really, putting it in PS1 is the right way to go about this.


RPS1="%{$(echotc UP 1)%}[some more]%{$echotc DO 1)%}"

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