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Re: globbing and quoting in a function

Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Jul 20,  7:24am, Stefan Reichör wrote:
> }
> } I'd like to call:
> } lsnew *
> } lsnew a*
> } 
> } Is there an easy way to do it in zsh?
> Yes.  It's been answered in the previous postings.
>   function lsnew { ls -tr -dl $~1(om[1,30]) }
>   alias lsnew='noglob lsnew'

Thanks for summarizing it. I overlooked the ~ in Doug's message.

I use it now the following way to allow calling without a parameter also:

function lsnew () {
    if [[ $1 = "" ]]; then
    ls -tr -dl $~lsnew_glob(om[1,30])
alias lsnew='noglob lsnew'


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