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Re: Command != command ???

* On Tue Jul-26-2005 at 02:33:19 AM +0200, Meino Christian Cramer said:
> 		./globtest2:8: no matches found: **/*.jpg
> Normally, in the root of the dirtree, where the jpgs are, there is no
> jpg, but in the tree under the root there are jpgs (root ==
> "/home/mccramer/data/pool10").
> Now I did a 
> 	touch "test.jpg"
> in the root and run the script again.
> Now, this single fake jpg in the root was found by the glob pattern
> '**/*.jpg'...but nothing else. 

What are the names of the directories? More specifically, do they start
with a "."?

~ % mkdir -p jpegs/.dir{1..5}
~ % cd jpegs
~/jpegs % for i ({1..5})
for> touch .dir$i/pic{1..3}.jpg
~/jpegs % find . -name '*.jpg'
~/jpegs % print -l **/*.jpg
zsh: no matches found: **/*.jpg

Sami Samhuri

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