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Re: Sorting files

Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
> Hi,
>  I played around with combinations including expressions like
>  **/*(.,oL) trying to get a listing of all files found !including
>  those of the subdirectories! sorted by their size. I want one big
>  listing sorted "once" -- but I got "seperated" parts sorted each for
>  themselves.
>  I would understand this, if I had submitted something like:
>    print -l **/*(oL)
>  which includes directories due to the missing ".", but when I submit:
>    print -l **/*(.,oL)
>  I would expect "all files sorted by their size".

If I'm not mistaken, this means "match everything that is either a regular 
file OR ANYTHING, and sort by size", because of the comma in the glob 
qualifier. Omitting it should do the trick:

print -l **/*(.oL)


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