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Re: Excluding files & directories from a glob

> >> >  grep -i 'host' **/(*.cfm~(ctpigeonbot|env).cfm)~*((#s)|/)junk*/*(.)
> Ok I give in what does the qualifier #s mean and do, and where is it in the doc.

The #s qualifier matches the start of a string. In the manual you can find its
description on the "13.8 Filename generation" section, under 13.8.4 :
globbing flags.
Here is the relevant chunk of documentation :

s, e
     Unlike the other flags, these have only a local effect, and each
     must appear on its own:  `(#s)' and `(#e)' are the only valid
     forms.  The `(#s)' flag succeeds only at the start of the test
     string, and the `(#e)' flag succeeds only at the end of the test
     string; they correspond to `^' and `$' in standard regular
     expressions.  They are useful for matching path segments in
     patterns other than those in filename generation (where path
     segments are in any case treated separately).  For example,
     `*((#s)|/)test((#e)|/)*' matches a path segment `test' in any of
     the following strings: test, test/at/start, at/end/test,

     Another use is in parameter substitution; for example
     `${array/(#s)A*Z(#e)}' will remove only elements of an array which
     match the complete pattern `A*Z'.  There are other ways of
     performing many operations of this type, however the combination
     of the substitution operations `/' and `//' with the `(#s)' and
     `(#e)' flags provides a single simple and memorable method.

     Note that assertions of the form `(^(#s))' also work, i.e. match
     anywhere except at the start of the string, although this actually
     means `anything except a zero-length portion at the start of the
     string'; you need to use `(""~(#s))' to match a zero-length
     portion of the string not at the start.

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