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Re: math, percentage

Here are some ideas:

typeset -F 2 percentage # only show two decimal places when formatting
for i in {1..$total}; {
    print $i of $total
    percentage=$(( $i.0 / $total * 100 ))
    print percentage $percentage

On Sat, 31 Dec 2005 17:56:35 +1100, Brian K. White <brian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

is there a way to do this with built in math instead of running bc ?

tp=`echo "scale=0;(${t}*100)/$T" |bc`

T = some dynamic total number like `ls |wc -l`
t = counter that starts at 1 and incriments as a loop walks through T
tp = percent of total job completed so far

Brian K. White  --  brian@xxxxxxxxx  --  http://www.aljex.com/bkw/
filePro  BBx    Linux  SCO  FreeBSD    #callahans  Satriani  Filk!

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