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Re: joining array elements

Wataru Kagawa wrote:
> I think my example was unclear (Sorry).  Basically, I wanted an  
> output that looks like,
> David
> Matt
> Bob[return]Sara[return]Tim
> I can get it with,
> foo=$( printf '%s\n' David Matt ${(j:[return]:)usernames} )
> with the 'globsubst' option turned off.  However, I was trying to  
> incorporate your tip, because I wanted to keep that option turned on.
> foo=$( printf '%s\n' David Matt ${(j:[return]:)~~usernames} )
> gives me no output (with the 'nullglob' option set).

Are you sure that it's not the nullglob option being applied to the
expansion of $foo?

  print -r "$foo"

You can also do

  usernames=(Bob Sara Tim)
  usernames2=(David Matt ${(j.[return].)~~usernames})

Come to think of it, simply quoting the values is a bit neater than the
the ~~ flag:

  usernames=(Bob Sara Tim)
  usernames2=(David Matt "${(j.[return].)usernames}")

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx>                  Software Engineer
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