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zsh, ctrl-something, and recent kernels

I have a problem with zsh and recent kernels when I try to use ctrl-c or ctrl-z. It seems to have started after 2.6.16-rc1-git4. I can currently see it in 2.6.16rc2. I started with zsh-4.2.5 and I have tried 4.2.6 too. I sort of tried 4.3.0 cvs, and it didn't seem to work either. But since I couldn't get it packaged, and had errors with it, I am not sure with it.

The behavior seems to have changed with the recently kernel releases. When I first noticed it I could ctrl-c repeatedly until I ran ls | less and then quit out. Now if I just try to ctrl-c a second time at the prompt ctrl-c stops working. If I go back to 2.6.16-rc1-git4 or older it works every time. I suspect it is a bug or bugs in signals.c.

I originally thought it was a kernel bug, in that if I ran bash from zsh I had the same problem. Today I tried bash directly and it works on the latest kernel releases. It still could be a bug in the kernel, but I suspect it is just a change in behavior of the kernel and zsh needs to deal with it. The url for my bug report to Red Hat is below.


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