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Re: [zsh] zsh startup files

» On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 05:38PM +0000, zzapper wrote:

> At the risk of exposing my ignorance, I think there's a concept of multi-
> level startup files of type .z* such that ideally you don't have rerun all
> your setup every time you run say a small 3 line script.
> I've got everything in my ~/.zshenv can I do better?

There is also .zlogin and .zshrc.

You should move all the "interactive" part of your .zshenv into .zshrc,
i.e. anything that you won't need to run your scripts. My zshenv is
mostly about setting $PATH and other non interactive env. variables.

While I'm sure there is good use for dot-login files, I never discovered
which would be these...

Oh, yes... there is .zlogout as well, but I haven't found a good excuse
to create one.


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