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Lost in space


 Somehow I got lost in space (" ").... :)

 Currently I am building up a new Linux system (Gentoo) on one
 harddisk while my old system is still alive on the other harddisk.
 Both disks are identical (same model) and are partitioned identical.

 I want to compare parts of the contents of directory trees on both

 Unfortunately they consists partly of downloaded webpages. The
 resulting filenames are [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] or in other words:
 They contain every kind of "illegal" characters one could think of.

 To do the comparison I want to md5sum each file and compare the lists
 of files afterwards.

 My first idea was seomthing like (being in the root of the directory
 tree in question):

   find . -type f | zargs md5sum | sort -w 32 > filelist.txt

 but this one gets confused as soon as find finds an
 "Illegal filename .txt".

 How can I build up a similiar command which "eats" any kind of
 filename and md5sums (not skip) those files without calling md5sum
 for each file seperately ?

 Is there any neat zshy trick ? ;)

 Keep hacking and thank you very much in advance for any helpful reply ! :O)
 Have a nice day!


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