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Re: maximum value for HISTSIZE ?

Andy Spiegl (zsh.Andy@xxxxxxxxx) wrote on 30 March 2006 14:26:
 >I am lazy and forget a lot, so I set HISTSIZE to 150000.
 >But now I frequently get to see:
 > _all_labels:39: subscript too big: 318937

I don't know the answer but I have a similar usage problem: keep only
the interesting lines in history. As a workaround I do the following:
- set the the following options

- define several aliases of the form ls=' ls', free=' free', etc to
  avoid having them go to the hist file and running zsh list.

I also type most of the easy commands beginning with a space for the
same reason.

 >So is there a maximum value or/and on what does it depend?
 >BTW, I'd love to see an option like HIST_EXPIRE_ShortLines_FIRST
 >so that really short history lines like "ls", "du -sh" etc. expire
 >before long and complicated ones.  Maybe even with a configurable
 >line length.

Me too! I recognize however that a developer might find this hmm...
not of particularly high priority...

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