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Re: Problem with motion commands defined using match-word-by-style used with vi-delete

On Apr 22, 11:38pm, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
} I'm positive that there's a way to do this, but I can't see it, so any
} help is welcome.

In the short term, I think it'd work to reset $WIDGET yourself:

    local WIDGET=$motion_command
    zle $motion_command -n $count

} I'm sure it'll break all kinds of stuff, but one solution would be to
} have getvirange() set bindk to k2 once it has been read and checked.

I don't think that's sufficient.  getvirange() would have to fiddle with
saving and restoring some other state around the call to execzlefunc().

} Also, it would be great if we had a switch for bindkey that made it
} print the widgets name, nothing else.

It' be better if we had a $bindings associative array to go with $keymaps
and $widgets, and a zle function along the lines of recursive-edit except
it reads only one binding.  For example, it's rather messy to reimplement
describe-key-briefly in the shell:

  describe-key-briefly() {
    setopt localoptions extendedglob
    local -a bound rebound
    local b f=__-get-widget-name
    bindkey -N __ $KEYMAP
    bound=( ${${(f)"$(bindkey -M __ -L)"}/(#b)([^[:space:]]#)(#e)/__-$match} )
    rebound=( ${(u)bound##* } )
    function $f {
      zle -M "${(V)KEYS} is ${WIDGET#__-}"
      zle .accept-line	# end recursive-edit
    for b in $rebound
      zle -N $b $f
    eval "${(j:;:)bound}"
    # Cf. read-from-minibuffer if you insist on having
    # correct cursor placement during this prompt
    zle -M "Describe key briefly: "
    zle .recursive-edit -K __

This may suggest another way to implement vi-delete-match, though.  Hmm.

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