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choice of case in tab completions


I don't know if this is behind the times, but I
have a line:
    compctl -M 'm:{a-z}={A-Z} m:{A-Z}={a-z}'
in zshrc to induce case insensitive completion.

It works very well with one exception, where e.g. I
might have three files with the names

(this example in fact comes from the Apache httpd root dir)

When I want to read the INSTALL file, I type:

    % more ins<TAB>

which sadly completes to:

    % more Install

I don't know why it chooses that case variant, but it seems
clearly suboptimal.  A more helpful resolution would be
to copy the case of a fully completed match - in this case

Is there a way to configure zsh to do this, or a patch, or
a pointer to the right area of the code to look at?



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