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Re: Would like help with prompt

Kyrre Nygard <kyrreny@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> However this setup is darn ugly.

Agreed. :-)

> I know I could load `colors' but I'm not sure if my colors are 
> available. Anyway ...

I'd really check if 'colors' wouldn't do:

  % print -l $color | sort | column
  00              32              44              cyan
  01              32              45              default
  02              33              46              faint
  03              33              47              green
  04              34              49              magenta
  05              34              bg-black        no-blink
  07              35              bg-blue         no-reverse
  08              35              bg-cyan         no-standout
  22              36              bg-default      no-underline
  23              36              bg-green        none
  24              37              bg-magenta      normal
  25              37              bg-red          red
  27              39              bg-white        reverse
  30              39              bg-yellow       standout
  30              40              black           underline
  30              40              blink           white
  30              41              blue            yellow
  31              42              bold
  31              43              conceal

AFAICS you are using bold, normal, black, cyan and red.
These would be available by loaded 'colors' arrays.

Regards, Frank

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