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Tab-completion inside dir named with braces (brace_ccl)


The zsh options brace_ccl doesn't appear to play nicely with expansion
under the new completion system.  Zsh 4.3.2.

 zsh -f
 setopt brace_ccl
 autoload -Uz compinit
 compinit -u
 zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete 

Mozilla Firefox puts extensions inside sub-directories of
~/.mozilla/firefox/<random>.<profname>/extensions/ and many of those
directories are named "{"<UUID>"}".

If I try to tab-complete the directory name, that succeeds, using the
appropriate backslash escaping.  But if I try to tab-complete a name
such as "install.rdf" inside that, then the backslashes are escaped
again and the braces are treated to brace expansion.  If I use '{1A
instead of \{1A then the brace expansion still happens.

So given '{1A2D0EC4-75F5-4c91-89C4-3656F6E44B68}' and tab-completing
twice, I can see either:
% vi \\-/i \\0/i \\1/i \\2/i \\3/i \\4/i \\5/i \\6/i \\7/i \\8/i \\9/i \\A/i \\B/i \\C/i \\D/i \\E/i \\F/i \\/i \\c/i 
% vi '-/i 0/i 1/i 2/i 3/i 4/i 5/i 6/i 7/i 8/i 9/i A/i B/i C/i D/i E/i F/i c/i 

I know, I'm explicitly putting expansion first (and I don't remember
why) but I think that zsh probably shouldn't be ignoring its own

Is this a bug or expected behaviour?

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