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Re: Equivalent of compctl -L with "new" completion system?

"John Reese" wrote:
> Is there a command or function that will (a) list all commands that
> have custom (zshcompsys) completions and indicate what they are, and
> (b) do the same, but only for a given command, like
> (a)  compctl -L
> and
> (b)  compctl -L svn

You can do

print -l ${(k)_comps}

to show the contexts for which there are completions.  This includes
both command names and special contexts such as
-value-,DISPLAY,-default-  (the value of the DISPLAY environment variable).

print ${_comps[svn]}

will show you if a given command is handled and if so by what function.

Peter Stephenson <p.w.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Web page now at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/p.w.stephenson/

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