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Re: Menu-driven version of history-beginning-search-backward

"Felix Rosencrantz" wrote:
> I tried this function.  One problem is it doesn't seem to work if the
> line (your search string) contains a space.

Grrr... the quoting of patterns in associative array subscripts is
screwy.  You *can* quote the pattern characters, but if you quote any
other characters too they stay quoted.  I've tried to quote only pattern
characters.  This isn't very programmer-friendly.

> It would be nice if the
> user says "foo bar" it matches lines that matches line that match
> foo*bar

I've done it so you do this by including "-space" in the name of the

# Menu-driven alternative to history-beginning-search-backward.
# As it uses a menu there is no sense of "forward" or "backward", however;
# the entire history is searched.
# Configuration:
#   autoload -U history-beginning-search-menu
#   zle -N history-beginning-search-menu
#   bindkey '\eP' history-beginning-search-menu
# Example:
#   % /bin/su<ESC-P>
#   Enter digit:
#   1 /bin/su -c 'make install'            4 /bin/su - perforce
#   2 /bin/su                              5 /bin/su -c
#   3 /bin/su -c 'chown pws:pws **/*(u0)'
# Typing "1" expands the line to
#   % /bin/su -c 'make install'
# With a prefix argument, the search is not anchored to the beginning,
# so for example "/su" could expand to "p4 files //depot/support/..."
# If this is bound to a widget containing "-end", e.g.
#   zle -N history-beginning-search-menu-end history-beginning-search-menu
# then the cursor is put at the end of the line, else it is left
# after the matched characters.
# If this is bound to a widget containing "-space", then any space in
# the line so far is matched as a wildcard.  (This means putting a space
# at the start of the line is equivalent to specifying a prefix
# argument.)

emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob

zmodload -i zsh/parameter

local -aU matches
local -a display

local search=$LBUFFER

if [[ $WIDGET = *-space* ]]; then
  search=${search// /*}

if (( ${+NUMERIC} )); then

# Filter out any match that's the same as the original.
# Note this isn't a pattern this time.

integer n=${#matches}
integer width=${#n}

(( n == 0 )) && return 1

# Hey, this works...
integer i
display=(${matches/(#m)*/${(l.$width..0.):-$((++i))} $MATCH})
zle -R "Enter digit${${width##1}:+s}:" $display

local chars
read -k$width chars

if [[ $chars != [[:digit:]]## || $chars -eq 0 || $chars -gt $n ]]; then
  return 1

if [[ $WIDGET = *-end* ]]; then
  LBUFFER=${matches[$chars]} RBUFFER=
  integer newcursor
  if (( ${+NUMERIC} )); then
    # Advance cursor so that it's still after the string typed
    local -a match mbegin mend
    if [[ $matches[$chars] = (#b)(*${LBUFFER})* ]]; then

  (( newcursor )) && CURSOR=$newcursor

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx>                  Software Engineer
CSR PLC, Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road
Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, UK                          Tel: +44 (0)1223 692070

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