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Completing a unique prefix of "script" completes "script"

Yes, it's true, that's precisely what you'd expect.

However, when working with ruby-on-rails, you often run scripts in the
"script" subdirectory.  This is made somewhat harder by the fact that
util-linux installs a program called "script" in your bindir.  Thus,
whenever you're in a ruby-on-rails root-directory you wind up
completing a unique prefix of "script" as "script ", i.e., with the
added space and completion is finished.  But I never want to complete
that script command.  What I want is the completion of the directory

Is there a way to make sure that both options, i.e., "script/" and
"script ", are completed?

Also, is there a way to ignore the command "script" found in $path?
Using the ignored-patterns style doesn't work, of course.  And that's
basically the only thing I
was able to think of.

Up until a non-unique prefix both "script" as a command and "script/"
as an executable or directory are listed.


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