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Re: Creating short time aliases

Jens Kubieziel <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> within bash I can use some pseudo-aliases:
> $ a really long command name # myalias
> $ Ctrl+R myalias
> The last command expands to 'a really long command name'. When I try
> this in zsh; i get an error "bad pattern: #". What would be a good
> zsh'ish way to get a similar result?
> Thanks for your recommendations

% zsh -f
% echo this is one hell of a long command line. # myalias
this is one hell of a long command line. # myalias
% setopt extendedglob
% echo this is one hell of a long command line. # myalias
zsh: bad pattern: #
% setopt interactivecomments
% echo this is one hell of a long command line. # myalias
this is one hell of a long command line.

Regards, Frank

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