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Re: base64 coding for zsh ?

le 12/09/2006,
Bart Schaefer nous �ivait :
> It's about 50 lines of readably-formatted C code to write a base64
> decoder,

so i'll write my first zsh module. It's added to my todo list. 

> slightly more than that to write the encoder, not counting the
> lookup tables. It could be done in shell script, but it would be very
> slow and probably not worth the effort.

ok, i give this solution away.

> alias enB64="perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64(shift @ARGV)'"
> alias deB64="perl -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print decode_base64(shift @ARGV)'"

well ... i think perl is quite huge for this problem. I'll use openssl
as temporary hack.

alias B64enc='openssl base64'
alias B64dec='openssl base64 -d'

thanks for help.


téléphone :
courriel  : marc.chantreux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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