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Re: _arguments: repeated option with multiple optargs

# neuhauser@xxxxxxxxxx / 2006-09-19 01:46:39 +0000:
> Hello,
> _arguments -s : '*-r=::->file:*:::->test'
> does exactly what the manual say it does, IOW all the remaining words on
> the line are to be completed as described by the action. That's not what
> I want, though: the whole (-r file 1*test) can be repeated, and I'd like
> it to offer also -r.
> Can _arguments do this for me somehow, or is this up to me?

    Thought I might be more specific.

    I have the following command (ABNF with implied whitespace at
    obvious places):

    cmdline = "tence" ["-h"] *("-i" dirlist) 1*("-r" file 1*(test))

    and this completion function:

    #compdef tence

    local context line state
    typeset -A opt_args

    _arguments -s : \
        {-h,--help} \
        '*'{-i,--include-path}'=:include_path:->incpath' \

    case $state in
        _dir_list && return 0
        _files -g '*(.)' && return 0
        # offer tests defined by this file for completion
        local -a tests
        tests=($(_call_program tests tence -C $words[1]))
        compadd "$@" -a tests && return 0

    return 1

    with "mycmd -r F a b c <CURSOR>" on the command line, completion
    should offer not only further tests (d e f), but "-r" as well.

    I don't want to pollute the interface with dummy arguments to halt
    the class optarg processing on, and also would love to defer as much
    as possible work to the standard functions.
    _arguments is already there, I don't want to write another parser.

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