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Re: Multiline Anonymous Literal Strings

Chris Johnson <cjohnson@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Anyone know of a way to compose a long literal string without doing
> something like this?
>    myvar="this is a really long string so long that I need to break"
>    myvar="$myvar up the assignment"

myvar="this is a really long string so long that I need to break "
myvar+="up the assignment."
print ${myvar}

> One application of this problem's solution is assigning aliases when the
> command is longer than my terminal window.  I'd rather not introduce a
> variable to make my code look nice.  I would like to be able to clean up
> the following:
>    alias mycommand="prog long list of options so long that it will reach
> beyond the edge of the screen"

alias p="print ${pa}"

Regards, Frank

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