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Re: psvar + color

Michael Hernandez wrote:
> The problem is that no matter what I do, I can't get the color to  
> change by using %3v, for example, neither:
> p_apm="${fg_no_bold[%3v]}%(2v.*%2v.) "
> or
> p_apm="%{$fg_no_bold[%3v]}%}%(2v.*%2v.) "
> work properly.

Unfortunately the substitution is in the other order: the PROMPT_SUBST
replacement of variables comes before % substitution, so this scheme
wouldn't work.

> In the spirit of trying every possible thing I could think of I even  
> tried p_apm="${fg_no_bold[$(print -P %3v)]}%(2v.*%2v.) "

This is close to working: the problem is the double quotes.  This forces
the parameter expansion and command substitution to be performed
during the assignment.  If you run 'print -r -- $p_apm' while changing
psvar you'll see it outputs the same fixed string.  The %'s get
substituted later, but that's not good enough.

However, given that you have PROMPT_SUBST set you don't need to rely on
% substitution at all for the array subscript:

p_apm='%{${fg_no_bold[$psvar[3]]}%}%(2v.*%2v.) '

should do what you want.

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx>                  Software Engineer
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