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my hacked clint prompt...

If anyone is interested I have my hacked-up clint prompt file posted up. For the neat battery stuff on OS X you'll need the "battery" script which I originally found at http://www.mitt-eget.com/ but I just looked and this guy has changed his site? I have the script it's original form posted as well (if you are the author and you don't want it there let me know and I'll remove it). The main differences are the addition of comments and the use of the battery script (which is written in zsh of course) to display colored battery state in the prompt. Oh and I changed the date around to american standard month/ day/year format ;)

The prompt file is here: http://www.culmination.org/Mike/ prompt_clint_setup

the battery script is here: http://www.culmination.org/Mike/battery

ideas, questions, comments, fixes, etc are welcome :)


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