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Re: code completition / cannot delete characters

Am 10.03.2007 um 01:12 schrieb Micah Cowan:

Michael Worobcuk wrote:

Are you using viins key-bindings? The instructions you were given were for emacs-style, I think..

Could you explain, how I can find out ?
In which case, ^L should do clear-screen for you, and ^R will probably do redisplay.

[hanno: /home/hanno]>^L
zsh: substitution failed

Why don't you try: bindkey | egrep redisplay\|clear-screen
and see what it spits out.

[hanno: /home/hanno]> bindkey | egrep redisplay\|clear-screen
"^L" clear-screen
"^R" redisplay
[hanno: /home/hanno]>^L
zsh: substitution failed
Seems, he does not like me.

I can think of a few possible explanations for what you're seeing... one would be that the termcap/terminfo entries for your terminal is wrong.

I would like to see:

- the output of:
env | egrep '^(TERM|VISUAL|EDITOR|PS1)$' | sed 's/[[:cntrl]]/?/g'

[hanno: /home/hanno]>env | egrep '^(TERM|VISUAL|EDITOR|PS1)$' | sed 's/[[:cntrl]]/?/g'
sed: 1: "s/[[:cntrl]]/?/g": unbalanced brackets ([])

- the output of infocmp, if you have it.

[hanno: /home/hanno]>infocmp
zsh: command not found: infocmp

- ESPECIALLY: do you have a program called "script"? If so, run it, reproduce the completion problem in the shell it spawns, and then exit that shell. It will produce a file named "typescript"; either make that available somewhere and link to it in your reply, or else send it to me directly (I'm not sure the list will appreciate such a file being sent out), and I'll post a link to it for anyone else who's interested.

Yes, I have that program. But I am afraid it will not help solving my problem, since you would only see the result of the problem.
Anyway, it is very short so I am posting it:

[hanno: /home/hanno]>cat typescript
Script started on Sat Mar 10 16:35:25 2007
[hanno: /home/hanno]>cd /us
[hanno: /home/hanno]>exit

Script done on Sat Mar 10 16:35:42 2007

That's it ! :)
Maybe I describe it one more time:
I typed: "cd /usr/src <tab><tab>", that is "cs /usr/src" and then the tab key two times. After that I could see multiple choices: the directories in /usr/src (of course). See Above:

[hanno: /usr/src]>cd /uscd /usr/src/
bin/ crypto/ games/ include/ lib/ release/ sbin/ share/ tools/ usr.sbin/ contrib/ etc/ gnu/ kerberos5/ libexec/ rescue/ secure/ sys/ usr.bin/

Here you can see that some part of my typing was deleted by the completition , some part is still there. When I try to delete everything I typed by pressing <backspace> it looks like this:

[hanno: /usr/src]>cd /us
bin/ crypto/ games/ include/ lib/ release/ sbin/ share/ tools/ usr.sbin/ contrib/ etc/ gnu/ kerberos5/ libexec/ rescue/ secure/ sys/ usr.bin/

I cannot delete the "cd /us"
Strange hmm?

Thank you again for helping.
Without it,I would take another shell, since I couldn't solve the problem on my own.


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