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compsys argument-n not working

Hello everyone,

I'm having a problem getting something like this to work:
Doing a fake reply if the first parameter is the one that has to be completed.

zstyle -e ':completion:*:cd:*' fake 'reply=TEST'

this works, but will complete for both arguments to cd.

zstyle -e ':completion:*:cd:*:argument-1:*' fake 'reply=TEST'

is supposed to work if I interprete the manual correctly.
(I also tried different placements of the argument-1, didn't make a difference.)

I'm running 4.2.6 because 4.3.x gives me problems which is subject to
another post. :-)

Just scream if I forgot to include some information that would be
necessary to fix this. :-)

Thanks in advance,

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