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Unexpected behavior from _match completer

I seem to be seeing some weird behavior from the _match completer.
So, on zsh 4.3.4, after running zsh -f:

mastermind% autoload -U compinit; compinit
mastermind% zstyle ':completion:*' completer _match
mastermind% touch ' test ' '[test]' atesta btestb
mastermind% ls ?test<TAB>
# shows only atesta and btestb in menu completion
mastermind% ls ?test*
# lists all 4 files
mastermind% ls *test<TAB>
# shows all 4 files in menu completion
mastermind% ls *test*
# lists all 4 files

Why aren't all 4 of those files matched by "?test<TAB>"?  It seems as
though the match completer is deciding that '\ ' and '\[' are each two
characters rather than one and failing to match properly as a result.
Any thoughts?  Seems like a buglet to me, but it might be some
expected behavior that I missed in the man page.

~Matt Wozniski

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