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Re: the konsole title bar

When I wrote that (complete with my mis-spelling of label) I am afraid I
only tested it extensively on iTerm, a third-party terminal emulator on os

I added a few extra lines for the konsole tab, but what you get is the
same as what I get, so this is my fault, not yours.


pol wrote:
> I am using the following command in /etc/zsh/zshrc to change the title bar
> and tab bar according to the current directory:
> precmd () {
>      tab_lable="$PWD:h:t/$PWD:t"
>      rlength="20"   # number of characters to appear before truncation
> from
> the left
>     dcop "$KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION" renameSession "$tab_lable[-$rlength,-1]"
>     }
> When running vim, the running command is added to  <current dir>, in the
> title and tab names.
> However, as vim has been closed, title bar and tab name take the form:
> <current dir> Konsole <current dir>
> That is not what expected
> What is wrong?
> thank you
> --
> Pol

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