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Re: fg jobs info

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 10:59:53AM -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> The "jobs" command should accept all the same job-identifier patterns
> as "fg", and in recent zsh "jobs" doesn't lose track of the job list
> when run in a subshell, so you can do things like
>     fg() {
> 	# Obviously this needs error handling added, etc.
>     	typeset -g fgjob=$(jobs $*)
> 	builtin fg $*
>     }
> and then stuff the title bar (or whatever) with the something parsed
> out of $fgjob.

In how recent a zsh?  I can't seem to get that working with 4.3.4.
Does it require a copy compiled out of the latest {CVS,SVN} HEAD?  (I
have no idea what VCS zsh uses, or the url to checkout a copy.
Forgive my ignorance.  ^_^ )

If I get a chance later, and no one beats me to the punch, I'll clean
up the code I'm using with $jobtexts and post that, for those of us
who need to use 4.3.2 or later on some machines thanks to lazy


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