The first thing to try is "which compinit" to find out whether compinit
is set to the correct function, and if not (which is probably the case)
what it is.
$ which compinit
compinit () {
# undefined
builtin autoload -XUz
I don't even know enough to know if that's right or not, but I will assume that is it.
Next you need to find out how compinit is being defined to what it is.
Start "zsh -x"; you'll get lots of output (if you like, use "script zsh
-x" to copy it to a file) and somewhere in there should be a reference
to how compinit is being defined. Normally it will be something like
"autoload -U compinit". (If the -U is missing, something funny could be
happening with aliases.)
+/cygdrive/h/.zshrc:2> autoload -U compinit
+/cygdrive/h/.zshrc:3> compinit -i
+compinit:70> emulate -L zsh
+compinit:71> setopt extendedglob
If all that seems OK, look for the compinit in your fpath:
ls $^fpath/compinit(N)
and see what's in it.